Understanding Stacks: The Art of Plate Stacking and Beyond

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

Understanding Stacks: The Art of Plate Stacking and Beyond

Ever been to a busy cafeteria during lunch rush? Picture this: there's a loaded plate dispenser where plates are neatly stacked. You can only take the plate from the top, and when the kitchen staff needs to add clean plates, they can only place them on top. This, my friend, is the perfect real-world example of a stack abstract data type – minus the occasional plate-dropping incident that would definitely violate our stack integrity!

What's a Stack, Really?

A stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) abstract data type that provides a restricted way to store and access data. Think of it as the introvert of data structures – it only lets you interact with one end. The beauty of stacks lies in their simplicity: all basic operations (push, pop, peek) run in O(1) time complexity, making them incredibly efficient.

In our plate analogy, you can only:

  • Push (add) a plate to the top

  • Pop (remove) a plate from the top

  • Peek (look at) the top plate without removing it

  • Check if the stack is empty

Let's implement this in Go:

const MaxStackSize = 1000000 // Prevent unbounded growth

// Stack represents our plate stack
type Stack struct {
    items []interface{}

// IsEmpty checks if the stack has no items
func (s *Stack) IsEmpty() bool {
    return len(s.items) == 0

// Push adds an item to the top of the stack
func (s *Stack) Push(item interface{}) error {
    if len(s.items) >= MaxStackSize {
        return errors.New("stack overflow - too many plates!")
    s.items = append(s.items, item)
    return nil

// Pop removes and returns the top item
func (s *Stack) Pop() (interface{}, error) {
    if s.IsEmpty() {
        return nil, errors.New("stack is empty - no plates left!")

    item := s.items[len(s.items)-1]
    s.items = s.items[:len(s.items)-1]
    return item, nil

// Peek looks at the top item without removing it
func (s *Stack) Peek() (interface{}, error) {
    if s.IsEmpty() {
        return nil, errors.New("stack is empty - nothing to peek at!")

    return s.items[len(s.items)-1], nil

Real-World Applications (Where Stacks Save the Day)

1. The Call Stack: Managing Function Execution Flow

When your program executes functions, it uses a special stack called the call stack. Each function call creates a new "frame" containing local variables and return addresses. However, beware of recursive functions! If you push too many frames, you'll get a stack overflow error – it's like trying to stack plates higher than the ceiling!

func main() {
    // Stack frame 1
    fmt.Println("Starting the program")
    calculateTotal(10, 20)
    fmt.Println("End of program")

func calculateTotal(a, b int) {
    // Stack frame 2
    result := multiply(a, b)
    fmt.Printf("Total: %d\n", result)

func multiply(x, y int) int {
    // Stack frame 3
    return x * y

Each function call gets stacked on top of the previous one. When multiply finishes, it gets popped off, returning control to calculateTotal, and so on. It's like a tower of Jenga blocks, but hopefully with less dramatic collapses!

2. The Undo Feature: Your Digital Time Machine

Ever made a mistake in a text editor and hit Ctrl+Z? You're using a stack! Here's a memory-conscious implementation:

const MaxUndoActions = 100 // Prevent memory exhaustion

type Action struct {
    description string
    undoFunc    func()

type UndoStack struct {
    actions []Action

func (u *UndoStack) AddAction(description string, undoFunc func()) error {
    if len(u.actions) >= MaxUndoActions {
        // Remove oldest action when limit is reached
        u.actions = u.actions[1:]
    u.actions = append(u.actions, Action{
        description: description,
        undoFunc:    undoFunc,
    return nil

func (u *UndoStack) Undo() error {
    if len(u.actions) == 0 {
        return errors.New("nothing to undo!")

    lastAction := u.actions[len(u.actions)-1]
    u.actions = u.actions[:len(u.actions)-1]
    return nil

3. Browser History: The Digital Breadcrumb Trail

Modern browsers use a sophisticated version of stacks for navigation history. While a basic stack handles back/forward operations, browsers actually implement a hybrid structure that can handle branching history (opening links in new tabs) and maintain state across sessions. It's like having a smart plate dispenser that remembers your favorite dishes!

4. Syntax Parsing: The Grammar Police

Compilers and IDEs use stacks to validate nested structures in your code. Here's how they ensure your brackets match up:

func isBalanced(expression string) bool {
    stack := []rune{}

    pairs := map[rune]rune{
        ')': '(',
        ']': '[',
        '}': '{',

    for _, char := range expression {
        switch char {
        case '(', '[', '{':
            stack = append(stack, char)
        case ')', ']', '}':
            if len(stack) == 0 {
                return false // Closing bracket without matching opening
            if stack[len(stack)-1] != pairs[char] {
                return false // Mismatched bracket types
            stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]

    return len(stack) == 0 // False if unclosed brackets remain

This parser ensures that {[()]} is valid but {[}] isn't – just like making sure each plate has its proper spot in the stack!


Stacks might be simple, but they're incredibly powerful. Their O(1) operations make them perfect for managing program flow, tracking history, and validating nested structures. Next time you're at a cafeteria, take a moment to appreciate that stack of plates – those are no ordinary plates, they are demonstrating one of computing's most elegant abstract data types!